Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
Are you looking for a villa, apartment, chalet, building or a ground ?
Your future home is only a block away
There is no place like home.
My home is my Castle.
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Find your home

1 ) Funding

First of all, contact your bank to determine your budget (also consider notary fees, mortgage schedules, possible renovations and annual charges). The choice of advisor and bank is important.

2 ) Search criteria

Contact us to share your search criteria (using the form below) based on your needs and those of your family, bearing in mind that one of the most important elements is the location of your home.

3) Purchase offer

3) If you have fallen in love with an apartment or a villa, we will help you write your cover letter and your offer which will make all the difference and allow you to be retained by the owners.

4) Mortgage

At the same time, contact your chosen bank to arrange the mortgage. It's important to spread your mortgage out over time.

5 ) Offer acceptance

Great news: your offer has been accepted, it's time to choose the notary and decide whether you're going to buy through a promesse de vente or a direct sale.

6) Handover of keys

The big day has arrived, and we're off to tour the house and hand over the keys. Congratulations, you can settle in and create memories at home.

Please fill in the search form below, and Abby will contact you shortly to help you find your dream home.